22 Creepy Spider Makeup Ideas for Last-Minute Halloween Events

Spider makeup ideas for Halloween are one of the traditional dreads. Although you’re not scared of spiders, not many of us like them. Thereupon, spider makeup is ideal for Halloween. You’ll give everyone a touch of fright by wearing makeup inspired by the creepy crawlies.
To offer you some ideas, we’ve found 22 Creepy Spider Makeup Ideas for Last-Minute Halloween Events. There are scary ideas, excellent makeup ideas, and more. Take a glance and see which scary spider you would like to be.
Many girls are keen to attend Halloween parties, which require them to put on makeup for terrifying characters, which causes some of them to feel anxious and confused in choosing the character and how to apply makeup correctly. We will show you simple ideas on how to DIY spider makeup ideas for Halloween.
Every year, celebs and fashionistas celebrate Halloween by resorting to Spider makeup ideas that range from simple to innovative and unique. This year, many stars and fashionistas celebrated this holiday with their families in their way, so each one of them chose a costume makeup inspired by the character of Spider-Man.
Spider Witch Makeup Tutorial

The best spider makeup ideas are the classic witch’s makeup, which depends on drawing bat wings or even a spider’s web next to the eye using black eyeliner with the use of black lipstick.
Simple Spider makeup ideas

For simple Spider makeup ideas and less intimidating, you can try eyelashes decorated with sequins or other frightening shapes that can be glued to the eyelashes, with a smokey eye and gradient lips using lipstick.
Spider Face Makeup Ideas

The make-up of the fictional character, “Harley Quinn” can be applied from red eyeshadow to one eye and blue eyeshadow to the other, with classic lipstick placed above the mouth and a fake tattoo on the face using black eyeliner liquid.
Spider-Man Makeup Design
Women can also apply the Spider makeup ideas by using red and black colors to make a face mask, with purple lipstick and red eye shadow.

Scary Spider Makeup Idea

We have this scary mouth illusion. So, the makeup artist has kept her makeup quite simple but the mouth looks as if a spider is sitting in it. This spider makeup is often such a horrifying thought, and therefore the legs even look like they’re poking out. These spider makeup ideas may give anyone who is frightened of spiders a fright.
Best Spider Makeup
If you would like to travel all out and provides people a fright, then you’ll try something like this. The makeup artist has formed some areas with purple makeup and produced three spider illusions. One on her eye, one on her mouth, and therefore the other on her body. This spider makeup is often such a scary idea, especially with white contacts. She seems like a ghost covered in spiders!
Easy Spider Web Halloween Makeup

We have spider makeup ideas that cause you to look pretty but also scary. As you’ll see, the artist has created beautiful eye and lip makeup that you simply would usually wear but she has added a spooktacular twist. This spider makeup is often an awesome idea, and it gives you the simplest of both worlds.
Halloween 3D Spider Makeup

This next spider makeup idea is one of our favorites because it’s so horrifying and clever! The designer has designed spider illusions on her eye and lips. It’s like spiders have completely appropriated. The black contacts look unique because one eye seems like a spider while the opposite one looks super creepy. It’s quite a simple look but very effective.
Halloween Makeup Tutorial

The spider makeup ideas use more cool illusions. One eye features a black and neon orange web design while the opposite eye has the spider leg illusion. This spider makeup is often a trendy and scary makeup look, and we love the neon orange and black color combo.
Easy Spider Web Makeup Tutorial

Instead of one large spider-like in another spider makeup idea, you’ll use a small spider design. There may be a cool idea. So for this look, the artist has created glam eyes with a white web design. These styles are unique, glitzy spider makeup ideas. You’ll even paint one large spider elsewhere to form it appear as the scary mommy spider.
Amazing Spider Makeup Idea

If you would like to seem stylish, pretty, and spooky this Halloween, then these spider makeup ideas are the best selection for you. Here we’ve gorgeous eye and mouth makeup complete with spider illusions on the attention and mouth. This makeup gives you the simplest of both worlds because you’ll look beautiful but also enjoy Halloween.
Scary Illusions Halloween Makeup

If all the scary spider makeup ideas aren’t your thing but you continue to want to seem spooky for Halloween, then this is often perfect. This artist has created beautiful sparkly eye makeup with a cute web design around the eyes. The pattern is complete with black lip color and sparkly decorative spiders. This spider makeup is often a fun and glitzy makeup idea, and it’ll be excellent for parties.
Spider makeup tutorials
Instead of the mouth, you’ll create a spider illusion around the eye, and there may be a cool way to do spider makeup. As you’ll see, she features a dark brown and black blend on her eye, and she has painted spider legs around them. When the attention is closed, it’ll create the illusion there’s a spider but no eye. It’s a cool idea, and there are spider makeup ideas and tutorials online.

We’ve many stunning and scary spider makeup ideas. The pattern is complete with spider illusions and rhinestones. It’s a unique and special makeup idea. This makeup concept gives you the simplest of both worlds.
The next spider makeup idea is Halloween glam. She has also created an internet and spider design on her face. Makeup like this is often another one that creates you look pretty but spooky. Recreate the entire look, or simply the tiny spider and web with the makeup rather than the larger spider.
Spider leg illusion

Love the scary spider makeup? If so, check this out. Here we have a spider leg illusion, and it also seems like there’s a spider in her mouth. It’s a spooky look, and it’s perfect for those that want to offer people a scare. Recreate both illusions, or simply the eyes would be cool on their own.
Black spider design
Like the spider leg design? If so, you would like to see this out. One eye features a black spider design, and therefore the other has colorful legs. This spider makeup is a unique and fun idea. You can apply colorful legs to both eyes. You’ll even paint colorful spiders elsewhere on the body.
3D spiders
Next, we’ve another glam makeup idea. At this point, the artist has created a gorgeous black eyeshadow blend with matte nude lips. She has completed the design with 3D spiders on her face and a stunning crown. This spider makeup is fun and unique for Halloween. We love this one. Recreate this or try a red lip color.
Spooky spider makeup

The next idea is another spooky spider makeup. We love this because it’s a classic Halloween witch vibe with the new illusion techniques. Try something similar, or you can put the illusion on just one eye.
Classic red Spiderman
If you’re a lover of Spiderman, then this makeup is for you. This spider makeup artist has created the classic red Spiderman suit with makeup, and she features a spider eye illusion. It’s such a unique idea, and it’s fabulous for those that want something unique and different. Recreate this or try the entire Spiderman look without the attention illusion.
Real vampire
This next spider makeup idea is another one of our favorites because it’s the spider design but she also seems like a real vampire. It’s a makeup look that you simply can put with a couple of different costumes. Pair it with fangs, and you’ve got a vampire, or even wear a witch’s hat or crown.
Mask illusion
Here, we have a mask illusion. The makeup artist has made her face appear as if a mask with a cobweb design on the eyes, and there’s a spider too. This spider makeup is a unique and spooky idea for Halloween.
Easy Spider Makeup

The next spider makeup idea is ideal for those that love classic Halloween designs. This Easy Spider Makeup artist has created an internet and spider design complete with purple lip color and orange eye makeup. It uses classic Halloween colors and styles. Something like this is often easy to wear, and it’s ideal for any Halloween event.
Orange Halloween colors.
You can also put the spider leg illusion on both eyes, and there may be a cool way to do it. The spider makeup artist has designed black and white spider legs with reddish eye makeup. The design is complete with orange lip color. It’s a cool look, and we love the utilization of the classic black and orange Halloween colors.
Spider makeup look
The spider makeup ideas possibilities you can celebrate are still limitless, and you can use some rhinestones and eyelash glue to create a shiny spiderweb makeup for a spooky look. On your face, while keeping you safe at home.
Spider makeup quick tips
And it looks like this Sparkly Spiderweb makeup would be the perfect spider makeup idea for 2024 to go with the eyeliner that girls use in their everyday lives. Here are some quick tips for creating spider makeup ideas.
Don’t draw straight lines.
Instead of drawing straight lines of cobwebs, you can make dots with black eyelash glue, stack stones or stucco on them, then don’t worry about the curved parts, this trick makes the lines more accurate, and if you get it wrong, you can easily erase a small dot instead of a whole line.
After completing the dots, you can connect them with a light eyeliner pen. Then, you can draw on the curves connecting the threads to get the spider web shape we know.
Putting stones on the spider makeup
Now, you can use glue and stones, and you can buy different colors of stones or strands, and it is preferable to put your stones on a large, flat surface, where they are easy to see and pick up so that they will stick to your eyes. You can stick them by gently applying glue along the lines you made. Let it dry for 30 seconds, then place the stones close to each other without gaps to get the final spider makeup ideas.
How to DIY spider eyes makeup for Halloween?
Spider eyes makeup for Halloween is one of the latest makeup trends every year. This post reveals the simplest way to apply spider makeup ideas as it goes through the steps smoothly.
- Initially, apply foundation and concealer.
- Apply the smokey black eyeshadow to your upper eyelids and outline the lower eyelids with two broad lines.
- Apply blush powder, then highlighter, and then draw four upper and one lower line on one of your eyes to get the spider’s legs so that your eye itself becomes the body of the terrifying spider. Complete your look by applying a bright color lip gloss, and don’t forget to layer a highlighter on top of your lips.

Glam spider Queen
Last, we’ve another glam Spider Queen. At this point, the artist has used a black and gold color palette complete with a spider design on her face and body. She has finished off the design with a glitzy crown. This is often a fun and unique spider makeup idea, and it’ll look wondrous at a Halloween party! You can find more spider makeup ideas on Pinterest.

Creepy Halloween makeup is a fun way to take your costume to the next level and create a spooky, unforgettable look. The best part about this type of makeup is that it doesn’t require a lot of skill or expensive materials to achieve. With some basic makeup supplies and a little creativity, anyone can create a creepy Halloween makeup look that will make heads turn.

Popular ideas include skull faces, zombie looks, creepy doll faces, and even bloody wounds and cuts. To make your creepy Halloween makeup stand out, consider incorporating special effects makeup such as fake blood, prosthetics, and contact lenses.

With the right tools and techniques, you can take your Halloween costume to the next level and create a truly terrifying look. So whether you’re attending a Halloween party or just want to spook your friends and family, try out some creepy Halloween spider makeup ideas 2025 and let your imagination run wild.